Online Registration in BISP NSER Survey for 2024: A Beginner’s Guide

The Benazir Income Support Program (BISP) plays a vital role in supporting low-income families across Pakistan. To ensure its effectiveness and reach the most deserving individuals, BISP conducts a National Socioeconomic Registry (NSER) survey periodically.

This year, the 2024 NSER survey is underway, and online registration is an option for the first time! This guide will walk you through the process of registering for the BISP NSER survey online in 2024, making it easier than ever to participate.

What is the BISP NSER Survey?

The BISP NSER survey is a comprehensive data collection exercise that helps identify eligible beneficiaries for BISP’s various social safety net programs. By collecting information on household demographics, income levels, and living conditions, the survey paints a clear picture of Pakistan’s socioeconomic landscape. This data is crucial for BISP to:

  • Target its programs effectively towards the most vulnerable populations.
  • Monitor and evaluate the impact of its initiatives.
  • Ensure transparency and accountability in its operations.

Why Should You Register for the BISP NSER Survey Online?

Previously, BISP conducted the NSER survey through door-to-door visits by enumerators. While this method remains in place, online registration offers several advantages:

  • Convenience: Register from the comfort of your home at any time.
  • Accuracy: Reduce the risk of errors by entering information yourself.
  • Transparency: Track the progress of your registration application.
  • Time-Saving: Avoid waiting for enumerators to visit your area.

Eligibility for Online Registration

To register online for the BISP NSER survey in 2024, you should meet the following criteria:

  • You are a Pakistani citizen.
  • You are 18 years of age or older.
  • You have a valid Computerized National Identity Card (CNIC).
  • You have a mobile phone number registered in your name.

What Information Do You Need to Register Online?

Before you begin the online registration process, ensure you have the following information readily available:

  • Your CNIC number (without dashes).
  • Your mobile phone number.
  • Information about all household members, including their CNIC numbers (if available) or names and ages (if not available).

Step-by-Step Guide to Online Registration

Here’s a detailed guide to registering online for the BISP NSER survey in 2024:

  1. Visit the BISP Website: Access the BISP official website
  2. Navigate to NSER Survey: Look for a section dedicated to the NSER survey or online registration. You might find a dedicated banner or link on the homepage.
  3. Select Online Registration: Click on the option for online registration. This will likely redirect you to a separate registration portal.
  4. Enter CNIC Number: On the registration portal, enter your valid CNIC number without dashes in the designated field.
  5. Mobile Number Verification: Provide your mobile phone number registered in your name. A verification code might be sent to your phone for confirmation.
  6. Household Information: Enter details about all members residing in your household. This might include their CNIC numbers (if available) or names and ages (if not available).
  7. Review and Submit: Carefully review all the information you have entered for accuracy. Once satisfied, submit the registration form.
  8. Registration Confirmation: You should receive a confirmation message or notification upon successful registration. This might include a reference number for future reference.

Important Tips for Online Registration

  • Ensure you have a stable internet connection before starting the registration process.
  • Double-check all information entered, especially CNIC numbers, to avoid errors.
  • Keep a note of your reference number received after successful registration.
  • You can revisit the registration portal using your reference number to track the progress of your application.

If You Face Issues with Online Registration

If you encounter any difficulties during online registration, here’s what you can do:

  • Check the BISP website for troubleshooting tips or FAQs related to online registration.
  • Contact BISP’s helpline for assistance. The helpline number might be available on the BISP website or through official communication channels.
  • You can also visit your nearest BISP office for guidance on registration or alternative methods of participation in the NSER survey.


By participating in the BISP NSER survey, you contribute to a crucial process that empowers BISP to deliver its social safety net programs effectively. With the introduction of online registration in 2024, BISP has made the process more accessible and convenient than ever before. By following this guide