Benazir Taleemi Wazaif: Empowering Education Through Conditional Cash Transfers

Benazir Taleemi Wazaif is a Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) program aimed at promoting education for children of BISP active Kafalat beneficiaries up to the higher secondary level.

By providing additional cash incentives, the program encourages families to enroll their children in schools and discourages dropout rates, ensuring retention and educational continuity.


The primary objectives of Benazir Taleemi Wazaif are:

  1. Awareness Creation: To foster long-term sustainable awareness about the importance of primary, secondary, and higher secondary education among BISP beneficiary families.
  2. Increased Enrollment: To boost enrollment of children in schools across all levels.
  3. Improved Attendance: To enhance school attendance rates.
  4. Reduced Dropout Rates: To minimize school dropout rates.


Several stakeholders play crucial roles in executing the program:

  1. BISP: The Benazir Income Support Programme oversees the implementation.
  2. Provincial Education Departments: Collaborate to collect data on micro supply capacity assessment (MSCA) of public schools.
  3. Schools: Act as educational institutions where children benefit from the program.
  4. Donors: Support the initiative through funding and resources.

Key Processes

The program involves several key processes:

Micro Supply Capacity Assessment (MSCA):

  • BISP collects data on the capacity of public schools (enrollment capacity, infrastructure, accessibility, catchment area) before registration and enrollment activities.
  • Private schools’ capacity assessment occurs during child enrollment.

Social Mobilization:

  • BISP field teams create awareness among beneficiaries about education’s significance.
  • They motivate families to enroll their children in schools.
  • During non-operational periods (e.g., school closures), mobilization efforts continue.

Registration and Enrollment:

  • After MSCA, massive registration begins, covering all potential beneficiaries.
  • Families are invited to registration centers or tehsil offices.
  • The program uses both local communication and media campaigns.
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Checking Eligibility via SMS

To verify eligibility for Benazir Taleemi Wazaif, follow these steps:

  1. SMS Method:
  • Send your CNIC number to 8171.
  • You’ll receive a response indicating your eligibility status.
  1. Website Method:
  • Visit the Benazir Income Support Program (BISP) website and check your eligibility thereā¶.


Benazir Taleemi Wazaif stands as a beacon of hope, bridging the gap between education and empowerment. By investing in our children’s future, we pave the way for a brighter Pakistan.